Mob Grip Tape的砂紙在滑版界絕對是數一數二的。"No bubbles, no troubles!" 數百個幾乎看不見的穿孔得以讓空氣逸出以防止氣泡作用的產生。獨特的碳化矽砂礫粘合工藝,不會磨損、高強度、抗撕裂、防水背襯,每次都可以乾淨地修剪。超粘性粘合劑,在極熱或極冷時不會剝落。但它可能毀了你的鞋子。
- Hundreds of barely-visible perforations that allow air to escape for a bubble-free application
- Exclusive silicon-carbide grit binding process for grip that will not wear out
- High-strength, waterproof, tear-proof backing that trims cleanly every time
- Super sticky adhesive that won't peel in extreme heat or cold